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Sacred Heart
Subject: Cathédrale Sacré-Coeur
Location: Montmartre
Portrait: available upon request
Then: This Neo-Romanesque basilica is
dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Christ. It was built from 1875-1914 as the
result of a private religious vow made during the Franco-Prussian war: if
France was spared from assault, then it would be built. Now:
Sacré-Coeur sits gracefully atop the region in
Paris known as Montmartre. The ovoid dome is the second highest point in
Paris and its brilliant white stone can be seen for miles. The church's
extraordinary whiteness is the result of material used in its
construction, which actually bleaches more with age. Saint Joan of Arc
is one of the two bronze equestrian statues presented above the entrance
and Saint Michael adorns a spire on the
west side. Inside the basilica
is an altar to Joan of Arc you won't want to miss. |
May God So Keep Me
Subject: Joan of Arc
Location: Cathédrale Sacré-Coeur
Portrait: available upon request
Then: In an attempt to trap her, Joan of
Arc's inquisitors at the Trial of
Condemnation asked her if she believed she was in a state of grace. If
she said no, then they had cause to refer her to the determination of the
Church. If she said yes, then she would be claiming herself in a position equal
to that of the Pope, and certainly closer to God than her ecclesiastical
inquisitors, and could be tried as a heretic. In brilliant humility, Joan
replied "If I am not, may God put me there; if I am, may God so keep me." Now:
Kneeling before this scene of Joan of Arc kneeling before
Saint Michael, I was struggling to find
a way to hold my camera still for a long shutter speed in the darkness
because I did not have my tripod. I must have drawn some attention
because I was approached by a person affiliated with the church. Is it
unusual to kneel before Saint Joan of Arc? I don't know, but apparently
photography is not allowed in the Sacred Heart Cathedral. Of course, I
did not know this until after this final photo.... In the background
Joan is astride a horse wielding her banner.
She is looking up to a statue of Saint
Michael slaying the dragon. Behind him, is a series of three stained
glass windows showing Joan at the stake, Charles VII receiving the crown
and Saint Michael giving Joan a
sword as she hears her
voices. This portrait is thick with a sense of piety and tugs at
viewers to follow the impeccable devotion of Joan of Arc. |
Eiffel Tower
Subject: Eiffel Tower
Location: Paris
Portrait: available
Then: The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be
temporary! It was built for the Universal Exhibition of 1889 to commemorate
the centennial of the Revolution. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, it is
1046-feet high and was the tallest building in the world until the Empire
State Building was completed in 1931. |
Now: Although it is
not part of Joan's history, it is certainly the icon of Paris. I had to
have ONE picture of it! The Tour Eiffel offers endless photographic
possibilities, including spectacular nighttime light displays, creative
black and white abstracts and panoramic views of the city stretching up
to 45 miles on clear days. Take the elevator to the top so you can get
your bearings... or dizzy and scared! |
Subject: Cathédrale Notre-Dame
Location: Paris
Portrait: available upon request
Then: Paris was and still is the heart of
France. Without it, you did not rule the French Kingdom. Although Charles
VII was crowned king in 1429, the English controlled Burgundian-ruled Paris.
In an attempt to de-legitimize Charles' rule of the Franks, the English
crowned nine-year-old Henry VI king of France on December 16, 1430, in
Notre-Dame Cathedral. Paris was one of the last English strongholds that Joan of Arc
had in her sights in the quest to complete her mission. On May 23, 1430, she
was captured, having never successfully taken Paris. In 1909, Notre-Dame
Cathedral hosted the beatification of Joan of
Notre-Dame Cathedral is a must-see attraction in Paris. It is rich in
history and its profound French Gothic architecture is stunning. The
ornate rose windows and the east-end 50-foot flying buttresses are
awe-inspiring. I did not take one photo approaching the cathedral when I
saw it for the first time; its presence is overwhelming. As I
understand it, the stone of the cathedral was originally a light pink
color. Trace evidence of this can be seen in the color variations of the
façade. The West Façade is a
beautifully proportioned masterpiece with amazing detail.
Its architecture stylized future Gothic fashion for centuries: stepped towers, stained glass
rose window with intricate tracery and three decorative, sculpted
portals introducing the central double-isled nave. The north (left)
portal depicts stories in the life of the Mother Mary while the south
(right) portal shows stories in the life of her mother Anne. |
of Christ
Subject: Central portal tympanum
Location: Notre-Dame Cathedral
Portrait: available upon request
Then: Notre-Dame Cathedral was built upon
the site of a Gallo-Roman temple to Jupiter. Construction began in 1163 and
was mostly finished by 1345, so Joan would have seen it very similarly to
the way we see it today. Now:
The tympanum above the central portal shows the Last Judgment. Christ
upon a throne as the supreme judge is flanked by angels with instruments
of the Passion. Below Him is Archangel
Michael (winged) holding the scale of judgment. The scale is tipped
to the left, favoring the elect over the damned on the right being
ushered into Hell. The lowest lintel shows
an angel on the left sounding the trumpet to resurrect the dead and announce
the Last Judgment. The archivolts
surrounding the scene create a nice framing effect for the photo. |
Subject: Chimière
Location: Notre-Dame Cathedral
Portrait: available upon request
Then: Gargoyles were employed to ward off
evil (and drain water). Although this fits nicely with the witchcraft superstitions of Joan's
day, the Gallery of Gargoyles (and the spire) were not added to Notre-Dame
until the 19th century. Now:
Climb the steps to the third floor of the West Façade
to visit the Galerie des Chimières. You'll find some very intriguing and
gruesome gargoyles and you'll be treated to a fantastic view of the
Parisian skyline. I found this shot interesting with the Eiffel Tower in
the background and the shadow from the sun across the city. |
The Counsel of My Lord
Subject: Joan of Arc
Location: Notre-Dame Cathedral
Portrait: purchase options
Then: "You have been
with your counsel and I have been with mine. Believe me that the counsel of
my Lord will be accomplished and will stand, and this counsel of yours will
perish." Joan of Arc, Orléans, May 1429. Now:
Unlike Sacred Heart Cathedral, you are allowed to take pictures in
Notre-Dame cathedral... and BOY do people take pictures. Once inside,
you might mistake the atmosphere for that of a light show at a rock
concert! With a popular subject like this Joan of Arc statue, constant
flash photography makes it difficult to get the exposure you want. If
you use a flash, this scene is very pale yellow and devoid of detail. If
you don't, there are enough pocket-sized flash cameras going off to
light a Hollywood movie set. Since there is barely standing room
throughout the church, using slow shutter speeds is also difficult;
you're likely to get bumped and be left with a smear for a photograph.
This portrait took patience (as many do), timing and bracing the camera
with the wall. I love the way the light shines upon Joan like God
looking down from Heaven. The black and white composition adds effective
contrast that is not present with the natural pale colors of the
subject. |
Notre-Dame Pietà
Subject: Mary mourning dead Christ
Location: Notre-Dame Cathedral
Portrait: available upon request
Then: Joan of Arc continually venerated
the Mother Mary and Jesus. Sculptures of Pietà were vastly popular with
Renaissance artists of the 15th and 16th centuries, such as Michelangelo. Now:
This scene is one continuous flash bulb. It sits at the apse of the
Notre-Dame Cathedral and is vastly popular with visitors... and their
cameras. Of course, I was one of them. |

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